@extends(backpack_view('layouts.top_left')) @section('content')
Name | No. of Wins | Win Rate | Won Revenue ($) |
Socrates Itumay
58 | 302, 422.50 | |
49 | 264, 090.00 | |
40 | 238, 720.80 | |
Reynante Labares
38 | 227, 063.20 | |
Dexter Dela Cruz
26 | 202, 918.00 | |
Johnwyne Mendez
26 | 202, 918.00 |
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Habi tasse labo rum purus, vesti bulum at vivamus tempor port titor vulpu... Learn More
Profile Visits
Unique Visits
Jan 01, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
Performance Score
Excellent | 3,007 | 50% | |
Very Good | 1,674 | 25% | |
Good | 125 | 6% | |
Fair | 98 | 5% | |
Poor | 512 | 10% | |
Very Poor | 81 | 4% |
Organic Search
Email Campaign
Referral Links
Social Media
as of this month
Personal expense
Medical expense
Other expense