@extends(backpack_view('layouts.top_left')) @php $defaultBreadcrumbs = [ trans('backpack::crud.admin') => backpack_url('dashboard'), $crud->entity_name_plural => url($crud->route), trans('backpack::crud.edit') => false, ]; // if breadcrumbs aren't defined in the CrudController, use the default breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs ?? $defaultBreadcrumbs; @endphp @section('content')
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.1.title') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.1.subtitle') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.3.title') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.3.subtitle') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.5.title') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.5.subtitle') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.tabs.1.title') }}
{{ __('admin.auth.user.fields.name') }}
Your Bio
A front-end developer that focus more on user interface design, a web interface wizard, a connector of awesomeness and a long lost twin of Vin Diesel.
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